At this point in the year, you might be reflecting on the year that’s almost over and looking ahead to the next 12 months. With this in mind, I want to share 10 end-of-year journaling prompts for parents from my book The Year of You for Mothers: 365 Journal-Writing Prompts for Self-Reflection, Self-Care and Self-Discovery. I hope the next year is your most fulfilling year of parenting yet 🙂
1. What are you most looking forward to next year?
2. What are your top 5 goals or intentions for your family next year?
3. What experiences would you love to have with your family next year?
4. What experiences would you personally love to have next year?
5. What memories do you want to create next year?
6. What would you like to do as a family in the next five years?
7. What do you imagine your kid(s) will be like in five years time? What do you think will be the same? What will be different? What are your hopes and dreams for them?
8. How would you like to feel over the next month? What can you do to make that happen?
9. What do you feel most optimistic about when it comes to the future?
10. What is one thing you would like to be different about your life on this day next year?
Further reading: 8 (helpful!) books for parents