In December, I usually run an Advent Calendar, with a daily journaling prompt sent out between the 1st and 24th of the month. For various reasons (mainly that life is very full!), I decided not to do this year. Quite a few people have been asking about it though, so I want to share some journaling prompts for self-reflection at the end of the year. It’s not the same as a daily email, but I hope it helps you reflect on the year that was 2020 (including some of the better bits…) and set a few intentions for next year 🙂
Respond to them all, pick and choose the ones that resonate with you—whatever works!
1. What were your personal highlights from each month of this year?
2. What are you most proud of from this year?
3. What was one thing that surprised you this year?
4. What did you learn about yourself this year?
5. What strengths did you show this year?
6. What challenged you this year?
7. How did you rise to the occasion this year?
8. What were your favourite books from this year?
9. What was your favourite music from this year?
10. What memorable TV shows or movies did you watch this year?
11. What was something you started doing this year?
12. What was something you stopped doing (or stopped doing as much)?
13. How do you want to feel next year?
14. What new things do you want to try next year?
15. “If I could do this one thing next year, I would be really proud of myself…”
16. What qualities do you want to embody next year?
17. What is the number one thing that would have a positive impact on your life if you started doing it next year?
18. What is one thing you want to stop doing next year?
19. Your word or phrase for 2021:
20. “If I were to show up with 10% more self-acceptance next year, I would do this differently:”
21. What are you looking forward to next year?
22. Who do you want to spend more time with next year?
23. How can you take care of yourself next year?
24. Imagine it’s a year from now. As you look back at 2021, what stands out? How did you show up? What did you experience? How did you feel?
Bonus prompt:
25. What is the kindest thing you can do for yourself today?
P.S. If you would like more prompts like these, you can find a prompt for every day of the year in my bestselling book The Year of You: 365 Journal Writing Prompts for Creative Self-Discovery. Available as an ebook through all major ebook retailers, and on paperback through Amazon and to order through your local bookshop. Perfect as a gift—for yourself or others 🙂